The following Align options in the Property inspector are associated with certain selected elements, such as images and plug-ins.
Browser default depends on the browser, but generally is a baseline alignment.
Baseline and Bottom align the text baseline to the bottom of the object.
Absolute bottom aligns the absolute bottom of the text, including descenders as in the letter "g," with the bottom of the object.
Top aligns the top of the tallest character in the text line with the top of the object.
Text top aligns the tallest character in the text line with the top of the object.
Middle aligns the text baseline with the middle of the object.
Absolute middle aligns the middle of the object with the middle of the text.
Left places the object on the left margin, wrapping text around it to the right. If left-aligned text precedes the object on the line, it generally forces left-aligned objects to wrap to a new line. Any text following the object on the line then wraps to the former line, appearing above the object.
Right places the object on the right margin, wrapping text around the object to the left. If right-aligned text precedes the object on the line, it generally forces right-aligned objects to wrap to a new line. Any text following the object on the line then wraps to the former line, appearing above the object.